Viðhald og Pest Control

How should maintenance problems be reported?
Maintenance problems should be reported to your landlord or property manager as soon as possible, follow-up in writing. Keep a copy of the notice for your own records. Ef vandamálið er ekki leiðrétt á skjótan eða fullnægjandi hátt, you should report it to Westbrook Housing, skriflega, for possible action. Call your program officer at (207) 854-9779.

What happens if your unit is infested with bedbugs?
The first step is to contact your landlord, as soon as possible, follow-up in writing. Keep a copy of the notice for your own records. You and others in the building will also have to take steps to help combat the problem. Pine Tree Legal Assistance website has some information about your responsibility.

What if bedbugs were present before you moved in?
It is illegal for a landlord to rent an apartment that he/she knows or suspects to have bedbugs. Under Maine law, the landlord must also tell you whether other nearby apartments in the building have bedbug problems. Before you rent an apartment, ask when the apartment and nearby units were last inspected for bedbugs. The landlord must give you an honest answer. Pine Tree Legal Assistance website has some information about the landlord’s responsibility.

What happens if my apartment is infected with bedbugs after I move in?
Tell your landlord immediately, preferably in writing, so you can document that you told him/her. Once notified, both of you must take these steps to fix the problem.

  • After you notify your landlord, he/she must inspect your apartment within five days.
  • Next, your landlord must contact a state-certified pest control expert within 10 days of inspecting and finding bedbugs.
  • Your landlord must take all reasonable steps to treat the problem, byggt á ráðleggingum sérfræðingsins.
  • Leigusali þinn og meindýraeyðingarsérfræðingurinn þurfa aðgang að rúminu þínu, húsgögn og aðrar eigur. Þeir verða að virða friðhelgi þína á meðan þeir gera skoðanir til að takast á við vandamálið. Þú þarft að vinna saman til að losna við veggjaglösin. Leigusali þinn verður að segja þér kostnaðinn af þátttöku þinni í ferlinu.

Hvað ef ég hef ekki efni á meðferðinni?
Til að losna við veggjaglösin, þú verður að flytja húsgögn og þvo fatnað og rúmföt. Ef þú hefur ekki efni á þessu eða getur ekki flutt húsgögn, leigusali getur gert það og rukkað þig um kostnaðinn.

Hvað ef leigusali minn gerir ekkert?
Ef leigusali fylgir ekki lögum Maine, Westbrook Housing gæti hætt að greiða honum/henni húsnæðisaðstoð. Fyrir frekari upplýsingar um réttindi leigjenda og veggjaglös, fara til Pine Tree Legal Assistance.


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