Tatou Āhuatanga
Larrabee Village
30 Liza Harmon Puku, Westbrook

Larrabee Village offers 150 one-bedroom subsidized apartments with kitchenettes that are ideal for those age 62 me pakeke. te “Village” He ruma hapori nui e taurima ana hui, piriote, akomanga mahi, hakari potluck, kōnohete, me ngā rōpū. Meal options are available for an additional cost and our spacious dining room features breakfast (M-F) and lunch daily. Additional services such as light housekeeping, laundry services, and trash removal are available for an additional cost. In addition, there is also a Resident Support Professional available during day and evening shifts. awhina pakaru i 30 ōrau o te whare ā-tau moni kerekere mau faatanoraa.
- I-pae; waka, wāhi horoi, ruma pukapuka, me te ataahua / toa kaiheu
- marae ki nui kari
- pokapū rorohiko ki te uru ipurangi
- ruma hapori
- Kaunihera Resident Hohe
- Smoke-free hapori
- Heat, Hot water, Electricity, Trash, Sewer, Water, and Land line phone are all included
- Supportive Services department including a Master of Social Work (MSW)
- Me kaitono 62 pakeke ranei
- E kore e taea nui moni ā-tau $41,450 mo te tangata kotahi ranei $47,350 mo nga tangata tokorua
- kia rapua e kaitono āwhina ki te hiahia ratonga; tae atu te tauturu ki te kai, riko, horoi, a / tiaki whaiaro ranei
- Rent Ko 30% o koutou moni kerekere faatanoraa ā-tau
- Te ngeru, me kuri iti e tali - kotahi ia fare