Properties yethu
Spring Crossing
19 Ash Street, Westbrook

Spring Crossing itholakala eduze loMfula Presumpscot, ngaphakathi ukuhamba ibanga ezitolo eziningi, zokudlela, amabhange, futhi kwezinye izindawo yedolobha endaweni Westbrook . The multi-story building consists of 31 elilodwa lokulala futhi 3 two-bedroom apartments with off street parking, on-site laundry and professional on-call maintenance including landscaping and snow removal.
Uma wena noma othile omaziyo ongathanda ulwazi olwengeziwe, sicela ushayele (207) 854-9779. ukuze ukwazi ukufaka isicelo, sicela ulande uhlelo lokusebenza noma ulilande ngoMsombuluko – ULwesine kusuka 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at 30 Liza Harmon Drive in Westbrook or call to have one mailed to you.
- Ukushisa, hot water and electricity included
- Ibanga / kuhhavini, esiqandisini, futhi Umshini wokuwasha izitsha
- Ikheshi
- On-site laundry
- Igumbi Computer
- Individual isitoreji units
- Izikhungo Ohlala Umxhumanisi etholakalayo
- Umphakathi Smoke-free
- Abahlali kumele kube 55 noma ngaphezulu
- Maximum Annual income is $53,580 kumuntu oyedwa futhi $61,200 for a couple
- One small dog under 20 amakhilogremu, one cat noma eyodwa yezinyoni / aquarium kuvunyelwe
- Section 8 / HCV, BRAP and VASH izaphulelo amukela
- Qasha 1 lokulala kuyinto $1,195-$1,434 futhi 2 lokulala kuyinto $1,435 – $1,737 Izinsiza kuhlanganisiwe (rent amounts and income limits subject to change)
Umphathi Property: Christian Player
(207) 854-6812