Hvad sker der i dit fællesskab

Golder Commons & School House Commons

School House Commons
87 Bridge Street
Westbrook, ME 04092

Golder Commons
6 Lincoln Street
Westbrook, ME 04092

Ejendomschef for begge bygninger:
Brent Wilson
(207) 854-6829

Arbejdstid: Ejendomschef Brent Wilson holder kontortid på School House og Golder Commons fra kl 1 til 4 p.m. tirsdag og torsdag. Hans kontor er på nederste etage af Golder Commons. Der er en låseboks til lejechecks og beskeder i både Golder og School House Commons. For at nå Brent fra 8 a.m. til 4 p.m. hverdage, opkald 854-6829 eller send ham en e-mail på bwilson@westbrookhousing.org.

Kabel TV, Internet og telefon (Time Warner): Ring til Lou Walker på 756-3529 eller e-mail louis.walker@twcable.com.

Vasketøj: Vaskemaskinerne tager kun imod mønter. Hvis nogen af ​​maskinerne ikke fungerer, ring venligst til 800 telefonnummer på plakaten i vaskerummet.

Lås døre og tillad kun dine gæster ind i Golder Commons: Sørg for, at enhver yderdør er låst, når du går ind eller ud. NEVER leave a door propped open with a rock or other object.

Trash pick-up is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Please lift the lid and put the trash inside the canister. Do not leave trash outside the canister.

Keep halls clear: Do not decorate the wall around your door or place a welcome mat or anything else on the floor in the hallway, it is a tripping hazard and a fire hazard.

Front door buzzer system: Visitors can buzz your apartment from the front door, but only if you have a landline phone plugged into your apartment’s wall. With a landline, visitors will “call” you on the phone from the front door by buzzing your apartment number.

After you identify your visitor, dial “6” to unlock the front door. If you don’t have a landline, besøgende bliver nødt til at ringe til dig på din mobiltelefon. Lås kun døren op for dine besøgende.

Du betaler for strøm. Når du har en bekræftet indflytningsdato fra Westbrook Housing, du skal kontakte Central Maine Power Company for at tænde for strømmen i dit navn. CMPs telefonnummer er 1-800-750-4000. Giv dem din enheds kontonummer og adresse.

Loftsventilatorer: Mange lejligheder er blevet tilsluttet en loftventilator med et lys. Soveværelserne er kablet til loftsventilatorer med en træksnor (ingen tænd/sluk-knap på væggen). Prisen for at få en installeret er $125, som inkluderer blæseren. Vær opmærksom på, at ventilatoren bliver en fast inventar i lejligheden, når den er installeret og forbliver i lejligheden, når du flytter ud. Hvis du er interesseret, ring venligst til Jennifer i Vedligeholdelsesafdelingen på 854-8202.

Fællesværelse til rådighed: Residents can reserve the Community Room for personal events. Fill out a reservation form, pay a $35 security deposit, and return the keys within 48 timer. You must leave the room and bathroom in good condition to get your security deposit returned.

During a snow storm: A general sweep of all parking lots, fire lanes, and the main entry is made. For your safety, the crew will stop plowing and leave the parking lot if anyone is in the parking lot.

After the storm ends: Residents are asked to move their vehicles out of the parking lot ved 11 a.m. so maintenance can clean residents’ parking spots. You are responsible for finding an alternative parking space while maintenance plows the parking lot. You may return your vehicle to its parking space after the parking lot and walkways have been cleared and sanded.

Storage area: Din hoveddørnøgle åbner opbevaringsområdet. Alle genstande skal være i plastikbeholdere eller poser. Opbevar ikke pap i opbevaringsrum. Du skal sørge for en lås til din tildelte opbevaringspen.

Sådan skriver du din huslejecheck: Sørg for at betale din lejecheck til Lincoln Bridge Street Associates (LBS) Hvis du medregner anden betaling, såsom en betaling for vedligeholdelse eller mod dit depositum, angive, hvor meget der betales til disse gebyrer i notatfeltet.

Bøde for sen leje: Såfremt husleje ikke betales senest den 15. i måneden, et forsinkelsesgebyr i alt 4% af en måneds husleje opkræves.

Larrabee Heights

Larrabee Heights
20 Liza Harmon Drive
Westbrook, ME 04092

Brent Wilson
(207) 854-6829

Beboerrådet møder afholdes kvartalsvis. Den næste er planlagt til 10:45 a.m. Mandag, marts 23, placering TBD.

Beboerrådets embedsmænd er:
Colleen Reed, Formand
Juanita Watson, Vicepræsident
Carol Hayden, Sekretær
Marian Sturtevant, Kasserer
Ann Bittner, Officer-at-Large will also serve as the “Sunshine Lady,” sending cards to residents in need of get well wishes, sympathy or cheering up.

Beano games are held at 1 p.m. every Monday in neighboring Larrabee Woods community room.

Library Swap Box: During summer, the swap box, located near the maple tree and site of the occasional Bring-Your-Own Lunch picnics, is available to residents who like to read. Anyone can add a book or take one out.

Larrabee Village

Larrabee Village
30 Liza Harmon Drive
Westbrook, ME 04092

Brent Wilson
(207) 854-6829

What residents should know: Resident Assistants (RAs) provide 24/7 coverage to ensure residents’ safety and security. RAs are available in a medical emergency or to help with unexpected events, such as when tenants lock themselves out of apartments.

  • To call an RA from an LV phone, dial 0 eller 6789. From an outside phone call 854-6789.
  • In an emergency, slå din LV-telefon af krogen, eller brug træksnorene (i soveværelset og badeværelset.) at indkalde RA.

Supporttjenester tilgængelige: Southern Maine Agency on Aging (SMAA) tilbyder en socialrådgiver på stedet, der kan hjælpe dig med information og henvisning til lokale programmer baseret på dine individuelle behov, og de kan hjælpe med at arrangere husholdningstjenester, herunder rengøring og vaskehjælp. Call 854-6833.

Frokost og morgenmad serveres dagligt i spisestuen. Du kan betale efterhånden eller pr. måned. Morgenmad er altid pay-as-you-go. Hvis du ikke er en almindelig frokostmiddag, du må ring til køkkenet aftenen før for at reservere et måltid kl 854-6818.

Vaskerum: Når du flytter ind, du får et vaskekort fra SMAA til brug med vaskemaskiner og tørretumblere. Du kan aktivere dit kort og tilføje penge til det ved hjælp af maskinen i vaskerummet. Indsæt $5, $10 eller $20 bills to add cash to your card. Washers and dryers do not accept cash.

Snow Plowing: If you have a car, you must give a copy of your car key to the property manager. During a storm, maintenance staff will move your car when they plow. Your vehicle must be registered, parked in its assigned spot, work and have plenty of fuel, or it may be towed.

Dial 9 for an outside phone line: If you use LV phones, you must dial 9 for an outside line. To call 911 in an emergency, dial 9-911. To call a Westbrook Housing employee or a neighbor at Larrabee Village, just dial the last four numbers. You don’t need to dial the 854.

LV Phones questions or problems? Call Christine Kukka at 854-6812.

Guests or deliveries at the front door? Dial 9 to unlock the door. If visitors need assistance at the front door, they should dial 500 for the RA. Never admit a stranger!

Jonsey Dairy delivers on Tuesdays. Call 799-5381 about ordering.

Free food is available every Monday in the Community Room starting at 8:45 a.m. Bring a bag.

Hair salon: The beauty shop is open three days a week. To schedule an appointment, opkald 854-6816.

Kabel TV, Internet og telefon (Time Warner) questions? Ring til Lou Walker på 756-3529 eller e-mail louis.walker@twcable.com.

Sådan skriver du din huslejecheck: Make the check out to WSSLP and include your apartment number in the memo field. If you’re including your phone or other payment, angive, hvor meget der betales til disse gebyrer i notatfeltet.

Late rent penalty: Såfremt husleje ikke betales senest den 15. i måneden, et forsinkelsesgebyr i alt 4% af en måneds husleje opkræves.

Keep pull cords within easy reach: Fire and building codes prohibit tying up pull cords or placing furniture in front of the cords. If you fall, you need to easily reach them from the floor.

Keep halls clear: Use the shelf outside your door for your decorations. Do not decorate the wall around your door or place a welcome mat or anything else on the floor in the hallway, it is a tripping hazard and a fire hazard.

Motorized wheelchairs/scooters: The fire department requires you to store your motorized chairs in your apartment – never leave them in hallways. De kan også kun oplades i din lejlighed. Vær ekstrem forsigtig omkring andre mennesker og deres kæledyr, og bliv på fortove eller yderst til højre på vejbaner.

Computerrum er åbent dagligt fra kl 8:30 a.m. til 10 p.m. Kun beboere må bruge Larrabee Village-computere.

Fællesrummet er tilgængelig til privat brug. Kontakt Nicole Nappi på 854-6841. Alle besøgende/pårørende bruger Fællesrummet SKAL ledsages af beboeren.

Aktiviteter i Larrabee Village

Særlige arrangementer og aktiviteter: Se den månedlige kalender for aktiviteter, herunder Red Hat-begivenheder, film og andre udflugter. Hver hverdag, beboere med LV-telefoner får en telefonsvarer, der annoncerer daglige aktiviteter og begivenheder. Ring til Nicole Nappi, aktivitetskoordinator, på 854-6841 med ideer eller spørgsmål.

Beboerrådsmøder afholdes den første torsdag i hver måned kl 2 p.m. medmindre andet er angivet. Se kalenderen. Dues are optional and are used for craft projects, musical entertainment and other events.

Library visits: A bus takes Larrabee Village residents to the Westbrook library at 8:45 a.m. on the third Wednesday of each month.

RTP Shuttlebus: RTP provides rides to medical appointments and to the grocery store on Thursdays. The bus to the grocery store arrives at Larrabee Village around 9:30 a.m. Call 774-2666 for an application.

A Visiting Nurse is at Larrabee Village on Tuesdays from 1 til 2:30 p.m. in the third floor office. Need a blood draw? Be there between 1–1:30 p.m.

The Activities Committee meets, usually at 1 om aftenen, every Tuesday in the Community Room.

Chair exercises are offered for free at 10 a.m. every Tuesday and Thursday in the Community Room.

A Bible Study Group meets at 9:30 a.m. every Wednesday in the Community Room.

Beano games are held at 6 p.m. Every Wednesday and Saturday evening in the Community Room.

A monthly tea party, to celebrate resident birthdays…. Is usually held at 2 p.m. on the first Wednesday of the month in the Community Room.

Monthly concerts in the Community Room in 2015
February: 6 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 1. Performer Dana Perkins
marts: 6 p.m. Mandag, marts 2. Performer Gary Richardson
April: 6 p.m. Sunday, April 12. Performer Renald Cote
Kan: 6 p.m. Sunday, Kan 3. Performer Pete Mezoian
juni: 3:30 p.m. Fredag, juni 12. Performer Dave Stone
august: 6 p.m. Mandag, Aug. 3. Performer Jose Duddy
september: 6 p.m. Fredag, Sept. 11. Performers Gloria Jean and Bobbie Lee
October: 6 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 4. Performer Tom Dyhrberg
november: 6 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 8. Performer David Sparks
december 31: New Years Eve Party and Karaoke

Larrabee Woods

Larrabee Woods
10 Liza Harmon Drive
Westbrook, ME 04092

Joyce Goff
(207) 854-6828

Beano games, sponsored by Larrabee Heights residents, are held at 1 p.m. every Monday in the Larrabee Woods community room. Larrabee Woods residents are welcome.

Beboerrådet meetings are held the third Tuesday of every month from 1:30-2:30 p.m. The next one is scheduled for Feb. 17. Look for other community events posted in your building.

Mill Brook Estates

Mill Brook Estates
300 East Bridge Street
Westbrook, ME 04092

Joyce Goff
(207) 854-6828

Resident Council officers:
Almira Nappi, Formand
Ruth Doughty, Vicepræsident
Sandra Kenney, Sekretær
Carl Pettis, Activities Chairperson

The Resident Council meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m. The next meeting is Feb. 10.

Monday game night starts at about 5:30 p.m. Residents can come and play any game they wish.

Craft night: Every Wednesday evening at 6 p.m. residents gather to work on crafts.

Bingo games, starting at 7 om aftenen, are held the first Thursday of the month and the third Tuesday of the month. In February, Bingo nights are Feb. 5 and Feb. 17.

How to dispose of garbage: Your trash must be put in a secure trash bag. A disposal chute is located opposite the elevator on the second and third floors. First-floor residents use the trash room on the same floor.

Vaskerum: Når du flytter ind, you can purchase a laundry card in the laundry room to use with washers and dryers. You purchase the card for $5 and can then add money to it as needed. Indsæt $5, $10 eller $20 bills to add cash to your card. Washers and dryers do not accept cash.

Need help with cleaning, laundry or shopping? Homemakers are available for grocery shopping, vasketøj, light housekeeping, meal preparation and limited transportation. Call Michelle York at 854-6825 or email her at myork@westbrookhousing.org for mere information.

Admitting visitors: Each apartment has a special phone that is connected to the front door. Visitors will enter your apartment number and the phone will ring. Once you determine it is your visitor, you can unlock the front door by pushing the “lock” key on the phone.

Never admit a stranger! Jonsey Dairy delivers to Mill Brook on Tuesdays. To order groceries, opkald 799-5381.

Kabel TV, Internet og telefon (Time Warner): Ring til Lou Walker på 756-3529 eller e-mail louis.walker@twcable.com.

Sådan skriver du din huslejecheck: Make your rent check out to EBSA (East Bridge Street Associates) and include your apartment number in the memo field. If you’re including payment for maintenance charges or toward a security deposit, indicate how much you’re paying for those charges in the memo field.

Late rent penalty: Såfremt husleje ikke betales senest den 15. i måneden, et forsinkelsesgebyr i alt 4% of one month’s rent will be charged.

Computer/Office Room is open daily. Only Mill Brook Estates residents may use the computers in the office.

The Community Room is available for private use. Contact the Resident Council to reserve the room. Visitors/relatives using the Community Room MUST be accompanied by the resident. The room must be cleaned up after use.

Keep pull cords within easy reach: Pull cords are located in your bedroom and bathroom. Fire and building codes prohibit tying up pull cords or placing them behind furniture. If you fall, you need to easily reach them from the floor. If a cord is pulled, it alerts neighbors only—it does not automatically call police or fire.

Be a caring neighbor, respond to pull cord alerts: During a medical emergency, residents use the pull cord to let neighbors know they need help. When pulled, a resident’s door is automatically unlocked, an alarm sounds, and the light above their door is turned on. When this happens, stop and see if your neighbor needs help!

What to do during a snow storm: Westbrook Housing uses a color sign system to keep you informed about plowing during and after a storm.

  • Red Sign: A red sign posted in the lobby or entryway during a storm means you should stay in the building and out of the parking lot. The maintenance crew is plowing the entryway to make sure there is emergency access.
  • Green Sign: A green sign means the maintenance staff is ready to clean up walkways and parking spaces. You must move your vehicle from its assigned space to the visitor parking area as soon as possible.

765 Main Street
Westbrook, ME 04092

Joyce Goff
(207) 854-6828

Walking and chair exercises in Presumpscot Place: Located in the basement of Presumpscot Commons, this gym hosts exercise activities for seniors. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, chair exercises are offered from 1 til 1:30 p.m. and a drop-in walking group walks from 1:30 til 3:30 p.m. The events cost $1 each. If you participate in both events, the cost is $1 for both.

Beboerrådsmøder are held the fourth Tuesday of every month from 4 til 5 p.m.

Movies are often held on Sundays, please check the bulletin board for details.

Riverview Terrace

Riverview Terrace
21 Knight Street
Westbrook, ME 04092

Joyce Goff
(207) 854-6828

Beboerrådet meets the fourth Tuesday of every month from 2 til 3 p.m. The next meeting is Feb. 24.

Riverview Terrace Meal Site: Larrabee Village Cafe provides a hot nutritious meal to Riverview Terrace residents on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays at a cost of $6.25 each. If interested, sign up the week before on sheets located on the bulletin board across from the mail box on the first floor. The meal offered to be served is listed on the sign-up sheet. Payment is due on the day of the meal. If you sign up for a meal you are responsible for payment.

Game night. Nikki awaiting callback from Dot Jarman.

Spring Crossing

Spring Crossing
19 Ash Street
Westbrook, ME 04092

Joyce Goff
(207) 854-6828

Currently there is not a resident council at this community.

Watch the bulletin board outside the property manager’s office for events.

783 & 789 Main Street

783 & 789 Main Street
Westbrook, ME 04092

Joyce Goff
(207) 854-6828

Other Property Management Staff

Patrick Hodgson, Director of Property Management
(207) 854-6832

Kim Eastman, Compliance/Recertification Specialist
(207) 854-6819

Deborah Gallagher, Intake Specialist
(207) 854-6856

Christine Kukka, Property Manager Assistant
(207) 854-6812


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