What's Happening in Your Community

戈尔德共享 & 学校下议院

87 桥街
威斯布鲁克, ME 04092

6 林肯街
威斯布鲁克, ME 04092

Property Manager for both buildings:
(207) 854-6829

Office hours: Property Manager Brent Wilson holds office hours at School House and Golder Commons from 1 到 4 P.M. Tuesday and Thursday. His office is on the lower floor of Golder Commons. There is a lockbox for rent checks and messages in both Golder and School House Commons. To reach Brent from 8 A.M. 到 4 P.M. weekdays, 通话 854-6829 or email him at bwilson@westbrookhousing.org.

Cable TV, Internet and phone (Time Warner): Call Lou Walker at 756-3529 or email louis.walker@twcable.com.

Laundry: The laundry machines only accept coins. If any of the machines malfunction, please call the 800 phone number featured on the poster in the laundry room.

Lock doors and allow only your guests into Golder Commons: Please make sure any exterior door is locked when you enter or leave. 永远不要让用石头或其他物体支撑的门打开.

垃圾收集是星期一, 周三, 和星期五. 请掀开盖子,将垃圾放入罐内. 不要将垃圾留在罐外.

保持大厅清洁: 不要装饰门周围的墙壁或在走廊的地板上放置迎宾垫或其他任何东西, 这是绊倒危险和火灾危险.

前门蜂鸣器系统: 访客可以从前门嗡嗡声您的公寓, 但前提是您将固定电话插入公寓的墙壁. 有座机, 访客会在前门通过电话“呼叫”您,只需拨打您的公寓号码.

在您确定您的访客后, 拨“6”解锁前门. 如果您没有固定电话, visitors will have to call you on your cell phone. Only unlock the door for your visitors.

You pay for electricity. When you have a confirmed move-in date from Westbrook Housing, you must contact Central Maine Power Company to turn the power on in your name. CMP’s phone number is 1-800-750-4000. Give them your unit’s account number and address.

Ceiling fans: Many apartments have been wired for a ceiling fan with a light. The bedrooms are wired for ceiling fans with a pull cord (no wall on/off switch). The cost to have one installed is $125, which includes the fan. Be advised the fan becomes a permanent fixture of the apartment when it is installed and remains in the apartment when you move out. If you are interested, please call Jennifer in the Maintenance Department at 854-8202.

Community Room available: Residents can reserve the Community Room for personal events. Fill out a reservation form, pay a $35 security deposit, and return the keys within 48 小时. You must leave the room and bathroom in good condition to get your security deposit returned.

During a snow storm: A general sweep of all parking lots, fire lanes, and the main entry is made. For your safety, the crew will stop plowing and leave the parking lot if anyone is in the parking lot.

After the storm ends: Residents are asked to move their vehicles out of the parking lot 由 11 A.M. so maintenance can clean residents’ parking spots. You are responsible for finding an alternative parking space while maintenance plows the parking lot. You may return your vehicle to its parking space after the parking lot and walkways have been cleared and sanded.

Storage area: 您的大门钥匙打开存储区. 所有物品应装在塑料容器或塑料袋中. 不要将纸板存放在存储托架中. 您必须为分配的存储笔提供锁.

如何写你的租金支票: 请将您的租金支票支付给 Lincoln Bridge Street Associates (伦敦商学院) 如果您包含其他付款, 例如支付维护费或押金, 在备注字段中指明为这些费用支付的金额.

滞纳金罚款: 如果在每月 15 日之前没有支付租金, 滞纳金总计 4% 收取一个月的房租.


20 丽莎哈蒙驱动器
威斯布鲁克, ME 04092

(207) 854-6829

居民委员会 会议每季度举行一次. 下一个计划在 10:45 A.M. 星期一, 游行 23, 位置待定.

科琳·里德, 总统
胡安妮塔·沃森, 副总统
卡罗尔·海登, 秘书
玛丽安·斯图尔特万特, 司库
安比特纳, 巡视官 还将担任“阳光女郎”,” 给需要祝福的居民寄贺卡, 同情或振作起来.

豆类游戏 举行于 1 P.M. 每周一在邻近的拉拉比森林社区活动室.

图书馆交换箱: 夏季期间, 交换盒, 靠近枫树和偶尔自带午餐的野餐地点, 喜欢阅读的居民可以使用. 任何人都可以添加一本书或取出一本书.


30 丽莎哈蒙驱动器
威斯布鲁克, ME 04092

(207) 854-6829

居民应该知道的事: 居民助理 (RA) 提供 24/7 覆盖以确保居民的安全和保障. RA 可在医疗紧急情况下使用或帮助处理意外事件, 例如当租户将自己锁在公寓外时.

  • 从 LV 电话呼叫 RA, 拨号 0 或 6789. 来自外部电话 854-6789.
  • 在紧急情况下, knock your LV phone off the hook or use the pull cords (in the bedroom and bathroom.) to summon the RA.

Support services available: 南缅因州局老龄 (小) provides an on-site social worker who can assist you with information and referral to community programs based on your individual needs and they can help arrange for housekeeping services, including cleaning and laundry assistance. 通话 854-6833.

Lunch and breakfast are served daily in the dining room. You can pay-as-you-go or by the month. Breakfast is always pay-as-you-go. If you are not a regular lunch diner, you must call the kitchen the night before to reserve a meal at 854-6818.

Laundry Room: When you move in, you get a laundry card from SMAA for use with washers and dryers. You can activate your card and add money to it using the machine in the laundry room. Insert $5, $10 或 $20 bills to add cash to your card. Washers and dryers do not accept cash.

Snow Plowing: If you have a car, you must give a copy of your car key to the property manager. 在暴风雨中, maintenance staff will move your car when they plow. Your vehicle must be registered, parked in its assigned spot, work and have plenty of fuel, or it may be towed.

Dial 9 for an outside phone line: If you use LV phones, you must dial 9 for an outside line. To call 911 in an emergency, 拨号 9-911. To call a Westbrook Housing employee or a neighbor at Larrabee Village, just dial the last four numbers. You don’t need to dial the 854.

LV Phones questions or problems? Call Christine Kukka at 854-6812.

Guests or deliveries at the front door? Dial 9 to unlock the door. If visitors need assistance at the front door, they should dial 500 for the RA. Never admit a stranger!

Jonsey Dairy delivers on Tuesdays. 通话 799-5381 about ordering.

Free food is available every Monday in the Community Room starting at 8:45 A.M. Bring a bag.

Hair salon: The beauty shop is open three days a week. To schedule an appointment, 通话 854-6816.

Cable TV, Internet and phone (Time Warner) questions? Call Lou Walker at 756-3529 或电子邮件 louis.walker@twcable.com.

如何写你的租金支票: Make the check out to WSSLP and include your apartment number in the memo field. If you’re including your phone or other payment, 在备注字段中指明为这些费用支付的金额.

Late rent penalty: 如果在每月 15 日之前没有支付租金, 滞纳金总计 4% 收取一个月的房租.

Keep pull cords within easy reach: Fire and building codes prohibit tying up pull cords or placing furniture in front of the cords. If you fall, you need to easily reach them from the floor.

保持大厅清洁: Use the shelf outside your door for your decorations. 不要装饰门周围的墙壁或在走廊的地板上放置迎宾垫或其他任何东西, 这是绊倒危险和火灾危险.

Motorized wheelchairs/scooters: The fire department requires you to store your motorized chairs in your apartment – never leave them in hallways. They can only be charged in your apartment too. Use extreme caution around other people and their pets, and stay on sidewalks or to the far right on roadways.

Computer Room is open daily from 8:30 A.M. 到 10 P.M. Only residents may use Larrabee Village computers.

The Community Room is available for private use. Contact Nicole Nappi at 854-6841. All visitors/relatives using the Community Room MUST be accompanied by the resident.

Activities at Larrabee Village

Special events and activities: Refer to the monthly calendar for activities including Red Hat events, movies and other outings. Every weekday, residents with LV phones get a voicemail announcing daily activities and events. Call Nicole Nappi, activities coordinator, 在 854-6841 with ideas or questions.

Resident Council meetings are held the first Thursday of each month at 2 P.M. unless otherwise noted. Watch the calendar. Dues are optional and are used for craft projects, musical entertainment and other events.

Library visits: A bus takes Larrabee Village residents to the Westbrook library at 8:45 A.M. on the third Wednesday of each month.

RTP Shuttlebus: RTP provides rides to medical appointments and to the grocery store on Thursdays. The bus to the grocery store arrives at Larrabee Village around 9:30 A.M. 通话 774-2666 for an application.

A Visiting Nurse is at Larrabee Village on Tuesdays from 1 到 2:30 P.M. in the third floor office. Need a blood draw? Be there between 1–1:30 P.M.

The Activities Committee meets, usually at 1 下午, every Tuesday in the Community Room.

Chair exercises are offered for free at 10 A.M. every Tuesday and Thursday in the Community Room.

A Bible Study Group meets at 9:30 A.M. every Wednesday in the Community Room.

豆类游戏 举行于 6 P.M. Every Wednesday and Saturday evening in the Community Room.

A monthly tea party, to celebrate resident birthdays…. Is usually held at 2 P.M. on the first Wednesday of the month in the Community Room.

Monthly concerts in the Community Room in 2015
February: 6 P.M. Sunday, 二月. 1. Performer Dana Perkins
游行: 6 P.M. 星期一, 游行 2. Performer Gary Richardson
四月: 6 P.M. Sunday, 四月 12. Performer Renald Cote
可以: 6 P.M. Sunday, 可以 3. Performer Pete Mezoian
六月: 3:30 P.M. 星期五, 六月 12. Performer Dave Stone
八月: 6 P.M. 星期一, Aug. 3. Performer Jose Duddy
九月: 6 P.M. 星期五, Sept. 11. Performers Gloria Jean and Bobbie Lee
October: 6 P.M. Sunday, Oct. 4. Performer Tom Dyhrberg
十一月: 6 P.M. Sunday, Nov. 8. Performer David Sparks
十二月 31: New Years Eve Party and Karaoke


10 丽莎哈蒙驱动器
威斯布鲁克, ME 04092

(207) 854-6828

豆类游戏, sponsored by Larrabee Heights residents, 举行于 1 P.M. every Monday in the Larrabee Woods community room. Larrabee Woods residents are welcome.

居民委员会 meetings are held the third Tuesday of every month from 1:30-2:30 P.M. The next one is scheduled for Feb. 17. Look for other community events posted in your building.


300 东桥街
威斯布鲁克, ME 04092

(207) 854-6828

Resident Council officers:
Almira Nappi, 总统
Ruth Doughty, 副总统
Sandra Kenney, 秘书
Carl Pettis, Activities Chairperson

The Resident Council meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6 P.M. The next meeting is Feb. 10.

Monday game night starts at about 5:30 P.M. Residents can come and play any game they wish.

Craft night: Every Wednesday evening at 6 P.M. residents gather to work on crafts.

Bingo games, starting at 7 下午, are held the first Thursday of the month and the third Tuesday of the month. In February, Bingo nights are Feb. 5 and Feb. 17.

How to dispose of garbage: Your trash must be put in a secure trash bag. A disposal chute is located opposite the elevator on the second and third floors. First-floor residents use the trash room on the same floor.

Laundry Room: When you move in, you can purchase a laundry card in the laundry room to use with washers and dryers. You purchase the card for $5 and can then add money to it as needed. Insert $5, $10 或 $20 bills to add cash to your card. Washers and dryers do not accept cash.

Need help with cleaning, laundry or shopping? Homemakers are available for grocery shopping, 洗衣店, light housekeeping, meal preparation and limited transportation. Call Michelle York at 854-6825 or email her at myork@westbrookhousing.org 了解更多信息.

Admitting visitors: Each apartment has a special phone that is connected to the front door. Visitors will enter your apartment number and the phone will ring. Once you determine it is your visitor, you can unlock the front door by pushing the “lock” key on the phone.

Never admit a stranger! Jonsey Dairy delivers to Mill Brook on Tuesdays. To order groceries, 通话 799-5381.

Cable TV, Internet and phone (Time Warner): Call Lou Walker at 756-3529 或电子邮件 louis.walker@twcable.com.

如何写你的租金支票: Make your rent check out to EBSA (East Bridge Street Associates) and include your apartment number in the memo field. If you’re including payment for maintenance charges or toward a security deposit, indicate how much you’re paying for those charges in the memo field.

Late rent penalty: 如果在每月 15 日之前没有支付租金, 滞纳金总计 4% of one month’s rent will be charged.

Computer/Office Room is open daily. Only Mill Brook Estates residents may use the computers in the office.

The Community Room is available for private use. Contact the Resident Council to reserve the room. Visitors/relatives using the Community Room MUST be accompanied by the resident. The room must be cleaned up after use.

Keep pull cords within easy reach: Pull cords are located in your bedroom and bathroom. Fire and building codes prohibit tying up pull cords or placing them behind furniture. If you fall, you need to easily reach them from the floor. If a cord is pulled, it alerts neighbors only—it does not automatically call police or fire.

Be a caring neighbor, respond to pull cord alerts: During a medical emergency, residents use the pull cord to let neighbors know they need help. When pulled, a resident’s door is automatically unlocked, an alarm sounds, and the light above their door is turned on. When this happens, stop and see if your neighbor needs help!

What to do during a snow storm: Westbrook Housing uses a color sign system to keep you informed about plowing during and after a storm.

  • Red Sign: A red sign posted in the lobby or entryway during a storm means you should stay in the building and out of the parking lot. The maintenance crew is plowing the entryway to make sure there is emergency access.
  • Green Sign: A green sign means the maintenance staff is ready to clean up walkways and parking spaces. You must move your vehicle from its assigned space to the visitor parking area as soon as possible.

765 主街
威斯布鲁克, ME 04092

(207) 854-6828

Walking and chair exercises in Presumpscot Place: Located in the basement of Presumpscot Commons, this gym hosts exercise activities for seniors. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, chair exercises are offered from 1 到 1:30 P.M. and a drop-in walking group walks from 1:30 到 3:30 P.M. The events cost $1 each. If you participate in both events, the cost is $1 for both.

Resident Council meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of every month from 4 到 5 P.M.

Movies are often held on Sundays, please check the bulletin board for details.


21 骑士街道
威斯布鲁克, ME 04092

(207) 854-6828

居民委员会 meets the fourth Tuesday of every month from 2 到 3 P.M. The next meeting is Feb. 24.

Riverview Terrace Meal Site: Larrabee Village Cafe provides a hot nutritious meal to Riverview Terrace residents on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays at a cost of $6.25 each. If interested, sign up the week before on sheets located on the bulletin board across from the mail box on the first floor. The meal offered to be served is listed on the sign-up sheet. Payment is due on the day of the meal. If you sign up for a meal you are responsible for payment.

Game night. Nikki awaiting callback from Dot Jarman.


19 槐树街
威斯布鲁克, ME 04092

(207) 854-6828

Currently there is not a resident council at this community.

Watch the bulletin board outside the property manager’s office for events.

783 & 789 主街

783 & 789 主街
威斯布鲁克, ME 04092

(207) 854-6828

Other Property Management Staff

帕特里克·霍奇森, Director of Property Management
(207) 854-6832

基姆·伊斯特曼, Compliance/Recertification Specialist
(207) 854-6819

Deborah Gallagher, Intake Specialist
(207) 854-6856

Christine Kukka, Property Manager Assistant
(207) 854-6812

