30 丽莎哈蒙驱动器, 威斯布鲁克

Larrabee Village offers 150 one-bedroom subsidized apartments with kitchenettes that are ideal for those age 62 和老年人. 该 “村庄” 有一个大型社区会议室,可举办会议, 台球, 运动课, 家常便饭, 音乐会, 和派对. Meal options are available for an additional cost and our spacious dining room features breakfast (M-F) and lunch daily. Additional services such as light housekeeping, laundry services, and trash removal are available for an additional cost. In addition, there is also a Resident Support Professional available during day and evening shifts. 租金在补贴 30 家庭年调整总收入的百分比.
- 现场; 停车处, 洗衣设施, 图书馆和美容院/理发店
- 内院花园丰富
- 可上网的电脑中心
- 社区房间
- 活跃的居民委员会
- 无烟社区
- Heat, Hot water, Electricity, Trash, Sewer, Water, and Land line phone are all included
- Supportive Services department including a Master of Social Work (MSW)
- 申请人必须 62 以上
- 年收入不能超过 $41,450 对于一个人或 $47,350 两个人
- 申请人可能需要服务需求方面的帮助; 包括用餐帮助, 家政, 洗衣店, 和/或个人护理
- 租金 30% 您的年度调整后总收入
- 猫和小型犬被接受 - 每间公寓1