300 東橋街, 威斯布魯克

米爾布魯克莊園座落於 300 東大橋街 - 威斯布魯克. Each apartment has been newly renovated and includes a full kitchen, 客廳, 大壁櫥. Bathrooms have walk in or roll in showers. 戶外停車, 洗衣設施, 社區活動室, professional on-call maintenance including landscaping and snow removal. 房租包括水電 (rent amounts and income limits subject to change). 住房補貼欣然接受.
申請, please download an application or pick one up Monday to Thursday from 8:00 我到 4:00 下午在 30 麗莎哈蒙驅動威斯布魯克, 或致電 (207) 854-9779 並要求有一個郵寄給您.
- Large community room with grilling patio
- Community garden space
- Multiple community areas
- 主動居民議會
- Self-service laundry facility on site
- Great quiet location with on-site parking and access to walking trails and the bus line
- 居民服務協調員提供
- 無菸社區
300 東橋街
- 申請人必須 55 以上
- 稅收抵免公寓的年收入限額是 $53,580 一個人和 $61,200 兩個人
- 市場價公寓不受任何收入限制 – rent is $1512
- 房租包括所有公用事業
- 第8 / HCV, 接受BRAP和VASH券
- 貓和小型犬被接受 - 每間公寓1
- 殘疾人專用樓層平面圖
- 一居室租金 $1,195 – $1,434, 取決於收入