Aiwatar ga wani Apartment Yau!

Stacy M. Symbol & Stroudwater Apartments

Both of these new communities will open in the fall of 2024. They are one bedroom Tax Credit apartments for age 55+. Dole ne ku zama kudin shiga cancanci isa. Use this application to apply for either or both communities.

Tax Credit Fili

daya, biyu da uku bedroom Tax Credit Apartments for low-samun kudin shiga gidaje. Dole ne ku zama samun kudin shiga m domin ka cancanci yin Westbrook Housing ta araha Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Apartments. Use this application for the Dr. Arthur Ya. Berry Fili a Larrabee Commons, Lewis H. Gidajen Emery, Malcolm A. Noyes Fili, Millbrook kadarori, Presumpscot Commons, da kuma Spring tsallaka.

Market Rate Fili

Daya kuma dakuna biyu kasuwar kudi Apartments da rents jere daga $1047-$1448 tare da wasu utilities hada da. Dole ne ku zama kudin shiga cancanci isa. Use this application for Larrabee Heights, 783/789 Main Street da kuma Millbrook kadarori.

tallafi Fili

Daya-bedroom Project Bisa baucan Apartments. Low-samun kudin shiga, tsofaffi gidaje biya 30% da samun kudin shiga haya. You must be income eligible to qualify for Westbrook Housing’s subsidized apartments. Use this application for Dr. Arthur Ya. Berry Fili a Larrabee Commons, Larrabee Village, Larrabee Woods, Lewis H. Gidajen Emery, Riverview Terrace, da kuma Robert L. Harnois.

Golder Commons

Golder Commons has Two and Three bedroom Tax Credit apartments for low-income households. Dole ne ku zama kudin shiga cancanci isa.

Housing Choice baucoci

Income tushen haya taimako ga low-samun kudin shiga gidaje. Amfani da wannan aikace-aikace na Housing Choice baucan shirin (Sashe 8).

Buga fitar da mail ko hannunka-sadar da kammala aikace-aikace zuwa:

Westbrook Gidaje
30 Liza Harmon Drive
Westbrook ME 04092

Aikace-aikace suna samuwa a mu ofishin ko za ka iya kiran (207) 854-9779 to suna da daya akan aikawa Wasiku. Idan kana bukatar taimako, ko fassarar hidimomin cika fitar da aikace-aikace, please call to schedule an appointment with an Intake Specialist at (207) 854-6810.


Saita azaman tsoho harshe
 Shirya Translation