निवडा पृष्ठ

आमच्या गुणधर्म


स्टेसी मी. प्रतीक

68 Nicklaus Lane, Westbrook

स्टेसी मी. Symbol Apartments offers comfortable and modern one-bedroom apartments for adults 55 आणि जुन्या, situated on the site of the former Riverview Meadow Golf Club at 68 Nicklaus Lane in Westbrook.

This thoughtfully designed community features a variety of apartment layouts, along with desirable amenities such as off-street parking, indoor bicycle storage, ऑन-साइट कपडे धुऊन मिळण्याचे ठिकाण, and professional on-call maintenance. Residents can enjoy a spacious community room, a well-equipped fitness center, and a cozy library.

Nestled at the edge of serene forest and meadowland, Symbol Apartments provides direct access to a scenic nature trail and abuts nature trails on 40 acres of newly conserved land along the picturesque Presumpscot River—perfect for those who enjoy an active, outdoor lifestyle.

मालमत्ता तपशील

  • One-bedroom apartments of varying open concept layouts ranging from 560 – 630 चौरस फूट
  • लिफ्ट & ADA Units
  • Individual climate controls for heat and air conditioning
  • New construction with energy efficient windows, a well-insulated exterior and continuous ventilation for maximum comfort
  • Fitness center, library and large community room
  • Indoor Bike Storage
  • Walking Trails
  • Outdoor smoking and non-smoking gathering areas
  • Resident Coordinator available
  • Great quiet location with on-site parking and laundry facilities

आज लागू करा!

  • अर्जदाराच्या असणे आवश्यक आहे 55 किंवा त्यापेक्षा जास्त वयाचे
  • Rent includes all essential utilities
  • वार्षिक उत्पन्न मर्यादा ओलांडू शकत नाही $53,580 एका व्यक्तीसाठी किंवा $61,200 दोन लोकांसाठी
  • कलम 8 / HCV, BRAP आणि VASH व्हाउचर स्वीकारले
  • Minimum income requirement without subsidy $34,416

मालमत्ता व्यवस्थापक: एलिझाबेथ मोहन

(207) 854-6823

ईमेल क्लिक करा


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