Thov rau ib tug Chav Niaj hnub no!
Stacy M. Symbol & Stroudwater Apartments
Both of these new communities will open in the fall of 2024. They are one bedroom Tax Credit apartments for age 55+. Koj yuav tsum muaj nyiaj khwv tau los tsim nyog yuav tau txais. Use this application to apply for either or both communities.
Tax Credit Qhov
Ib tug, ob thiab peb chav pw Tax Credit chav tsev rau cov tsev neeg tau nyiaj tsawg. Koj yuav tsum yog nyiaj khwv tau los tsim nyog tau txais kom tsim nyog rau Westbrook Housing tus nqi pheej yig Cov Nyiaj Tau Los Tsawg Housing Tax Credit chav tsev. Siv daim ntawv thov no rau lub Dr. Arthur O. Berry Qhov ntawm Larrabee Commons, Lewis H. Emery Chav Vaj, Malcolm A. Noyes Qhov, Millbrook Estates, Presumpscot Commons, thiab Caij nplooj ntoos hlav Hla.
Kev ua lag luam tus nqi Qhov
Ib thiab ob chav pw ua lag luam tus nqi tsev nrog cov nqi xauj tsev txij li $1047-$1448 nrog qee cov khoom siv hluav taws xob suav nrog. Koj yuav tsum muaj nyiaj khwv tau los tsim nyog yuav tau txais. Siv daim ntawv thov no rau Larrabee Heights, 783/789 Main Street thiab Millbrook Estates.
pab Qhov
Ib chav pw Project Based Voucher cov tsev. Cov nyiaj tau los tsawg, cov neeg laus cov tsev neeg them 30% ntawm cov nyiaj khwv rau nqi xauj tsev. Koj yuav tsum yog cov nyiaj tau los tsim nyog tau txais txiaj ntsig rau Westbrook Housing cov nyiaj pab them nqi tsev. Siv daim ntawv thov no rau Dr. Arthur O. Berry Qhov ntawm Larrabee Commons, Larrabee Zos, Larrabee Zoov, Lewis H. Emery Chav Vaj, Riverview Terrace, thiab Robert L. Khawm.
Golder Commons
Golder Commons muaj ob thiab peb chav pw Tax Credit chav tsev rau cov tsev neeg tau nyiaj tsawg. Koj yuav tsum muaj nyiaj khwv tau los tsim nyog yuav tau txais.
Housing Choice Vouchers
Kom tau raws li kev pab xauj tsev rau cov uas tsis tau nyiaj tsev neeg. Siv daim ntawv thov no rau lub tsev Choice Voucher kev pab cuam (Section 8).
Westbrook Housing
30 Liza Harmon Drive
Westbrook KUV 04092
Cov ntawv thov muaj nyob ntawm peb lub hoobkas lossis koj tuaj yeem hu rau (207) 854-9779 kom muaj ib tug xa tuaj. Yog tias koj xav tau kev pab lossis kev pabcuam txhais lus los sau daim ntawv thov, thov hu mus teem lub sij hawm nrog tus kws tshaj lij Intake ntawm (207) 854-6810.