Peb Properties
Larrabee Heights
20 Dottie Txoj Kev, Westbrook

Larrabee Heights, ua nyob rau hauv 1988, muaj 36 ob chav pw qhov nrog ib tug tag nrho cov chav tsev mov, tshuab ntxuav tais diav, tshuab ntxhua khaub ncaws / tshuab hookup, chav nyob, chav dej, thiab chaw tso tsheb npuas. Qhov tsawg kawg nkaus muaj hnub nyoog yuav tsum tau yog 62. Cov nqi xauj tsev tsis muaj xws li tus nqi ntawm hlauv taws xob - tsuas yog rau dej thiab dej.
- Private entrances
- Great chav ua noj amenities
- Ze rau khoom destinations
- Ib lub tsheb daim ntawv nres tsheb
- Haus luam yeeb-free lub zej lub zos
- Yam tsawg kawg nkaus muaj hnub nyoog yog 62.
- Income maximum: $64,240 (2 persons) with additional homes available allowing income not to exceed $96,360 (2 persons).
- Nqi xauj tsev yog $1,365 uas tsis muaj hlauv taws xob nrog rau lwm cov tshaj dej / phwj.
- Pet friendly.
Khoom Manager: Elizabeth Mohn
(207) 854-6823
Nyem rau Email