Westbrook Housing's Board of Commissioners
Colette Gagnon, filoha
7/1/24 – 7/1/29
Lynda Adams, Vice filoha
7/1/23 – 7/1/28
Carleton Winslow, Kaomisera
10/7/24 – 7/1/27
Elizabeth kittens, Kaomisera
7/1/24- 7/1/29
Thomas Rubino, Kaomisera
7/1/23 – 7/1/28
Kristina Yurko, Kaomisera
7/1/23 – 7/1/28
Utem Watba, Phd, Kaomisera
7/1/22 – 7/1/27
Kitiho eto mba hifandray ny Board ny Commissioners.
Westbrook Housing ny Biraon'ny Commissioners no hihaona amin'ny manaraka daty sy ny fotoana. Raha tsy misy fanamarihana, all meetings are held in the Main Conference room at Westbrook Housing’s offices at 5:15PM. Fivoriana rehetra dia misokatra ho an'ny daholobe. During the COVID-19 epidemic, all meetings, per State Statute, will be broadcast for full public participation by electronic web based and telephonic platforms.
- 30 Janoary
- 27 Febroary
- March 24th – Search Committee Meeting 5:00p.m.
- March 27th
- April 24th
- May 22nd
- June 26th
- Jolay – Tsy misy tsy tapaka Fivoriana
- August 28th – Fivoriana Fanao Isan-taona
- September 25th
- October 23rd
- Novambra – Tsy misy tsy tapaka Fivoriana
- December 4th