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Oportunidades de emprego

Director executivo

The Board of Commissioners for the Westbrook Housing Authority seeks an Executive Director to replace its retiring Executive Director, who has admirably led the organization for the past 12 years.

Westbrook Housing’s mission is to provide opportunities for affordable quality housing to assist individuals and families and to encourage independence within a supportive community. Established in 1969, we started building federally- and state-funded affordable family and senior housing in the early 1970s, and began administering the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program in 1975. Through its development corporation, Westbrook Development Corporation, the Housing Authority has remained proactive to expand its family and senior affordable housing through the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program. Hoxe, our diverse portfolio provides affordable, vivenda de calidade para 760 familias en 14 developments, and we administer 1026 Vivenda Escolla Vouchers. We are still growing, with 9 family and senior properties in pre-development and development with an additional 364 affordable apartments. WESTBROOK vivenda 49 funcionarios, an operating budget of over $18 million, and is governed by a Board of Commissioners whose members are appointed by the mayor of the City of Westbrook. You can learn more by visiting

Key responsibilities of the Executive Director include planning, organizing, directing, and coordinating all operations and activities of the Westbrook Housing Authority in order the serve its Mission, incluíndo:

  • Working with the Board of Commissioners to lead the Authority through a comprehensive strategic planning process; developing and implementing strategies and action plans to work toward the vision.
  • Driving public-private partnerships to secure funding and expand housing development opportunities.
  • Overseeing the preparation of the annual budget, all monthly, quarterly and annual financial reports, as well as reports for federal and state agencies.
  • Leading the acquisition, development, construction, xestión, compliance, and maintenance of the housing developments, ensuring alignment with community needs.
  • Administering construction, legal, financeiro, labor, housing and other contracts, ensuring that contracts are fulfilled; serving as the contracting officer and liaison with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.
  • Ensuring positive public relations with residents, the community at large, other public and private agencies, and the press.
  • Adhering to best practices in property and asset management, while safeguarding organizational investments.

Desirable qualifications include, first and foremost, a passion for affordable housing; a bachelor’s degree in government policy, human services, or business administration (or equivalent in education and work experience); at least 10 years of progressively responsible leadership experience in providing housing services to meet community needs, including at least 5 years in a senior management role; an extensive understanding of federal and state housing regulations, government funding, and compliance with all applicable regulatory agencies; strong leadership skills and exceptional relationship building and communication skills, including oral, written, and presentation skills; exceptional decision making and problem solving skills; and the ability to challenge the norm and seek continuous improvement.

Compensation includes a starting salary between $185,000 – $225,000, depending on the candidate’s qualifications, as well as an excellent benefits package.

Interested applicants should apply with a cover letter and résumé to the Search Committee via HR Consultant Laurie Bouchard:

Westbrook Housing is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Coordinador de Servizos Residentes - Departamento de Servizos de Apoio

Westbrook Housing busca un coordinador de servizos para residentes a tempo completo con experiencia para axudar aos residentes en desenvolvementos de vivendas accesibles dentro de Westbrook.. Os coordinadores de servizos residentes traballan en colaboración coa Xestión da propiedade, Mantemento, e persoal de AVC para garantir que as propiedades se xestionan de forma eficaz, eficiente e aos estándares de Westbrook Housing. O RSC axudará a resolver os retos ou dificultades relacionados coa ocupación. Ademais de xestionar as queixas dos veciños, problemas, e solicitudes de axuda, o Coordinador de Servizos Residentes comunicarase cos residentes de forma regular, realizar derivacións ás axencias de servizos sociais segundo sexa necesario, coordinar programas de formación, crear oportunidades de programación social para satisfacer as actividades recreativas, saúde, necesidades educativas e espirituais do desenvolvemento da vivenda.

O Coordinador de Servizos Residentes debe ser capaz de traballar de forma independente cunha supervisión mínima, teñen a capacidade de multi-tarefa, posuír a capacidade de resolver problemas, proporcionar un excelente servizo ao cliente e capacidade para traballar como membro dun equipo. Social work degree preferred as well as previous experience working with the homeless, family and elderly populations. O candidato debe apoiar a nosa misión de proporcionar vivenda a prezos accesibles.

​Click to read the job description. Os solicitantes interesados ​​envían unha carta de presentación e un currículo a Jennifer H. Gordon, Director de operacións, 30 Liza Harmon unidade, WESTBROOK ME 04092 ou por correo electrónico.

WESTBROOK Housing é unha oportunidade igual / Empresario acción afirmativa.

Resident Support Professional – Larrabee Village Supportive Services

Westbrook Housing está a buscar un profesional de apoio a residentes a tempo completo para unirse ao noso equipo de servizos de apoio de Larrabee Village Apartments.. Larrabee Village é unha vida independente pero ofrece unha variedade de servizos de apoio. Os profesionais de apoio aos residentes ofrecen dúas quendas de servizo a 7 horario semanal aos veciños. Os horarios de quendas son horarios establecidos. Os servizos ofrecidos inclúen a asistencia aos residentes de forma non programada segundo o determinado polas chamadas dos residentes, axudando coa lavandería, axudando coa entrega de comidas, realizando tarefas básicas de fogar e interactuando cos residentes para favorecer a interacción social.

Esta é unha boa posición para alguén que lle gusta traballar con persoas maiores e pode traballar como CNA ou PSS e está a buscar o mesmo tipo de traballo sen os requisitos físicos e de elevación..

O profesional de apoio ao residente debe poder traballar de forma independente cunha supervisión mínima, traballar con seguridade, ser de confianza, ter un comportamento positivo e amable e ofrecer un excelente servizo ao cliente. Preferible experiencia laboral previa coidando a persoas maiores.

​Click to read the job description. Ofrécese un excelente paquete de beneficios que inclúe un beneficio flexible para compensar o custo do seguro e equivale a 4,50 dólares adicionais por hora.. Un estipendio de garda págase durante a rotación de garda e os diferenciais de quenda páganse para os turnos de fin de semana. O pago inicial é de 20,50 $/hora.

Os solicitantes interesados ​​envían unha carta de presentación e un currículo a Jennifer H. Gordon, Director de operacións, 30 Liza Harmon unidade, WESTBROOK ME 04092 ou por correo electrónico.

WESTBROOK Housing é unha oportunidade igual / Empresario acción afirmativa.