If you need help filling out the application, please call Westbrook Housing at (207) 854-9779 to schedule an appointment.
If you need an interpreter, please call Westbrook Housing at (207) 854-9779.
No documentation is needed at time of application.
Incomplete applications will be returned for further information.
2. Waiting list
Once your application is complete, your name will be placed on our waiting list based on the date and time it was received.
Westbrook Housing gives preference to applicants who live or work in Westbrook, Gorham or Windham.
Placement on the waiting list does not mean you are eligible for the Section 8/Housing Choice Voucher program.
There is no way to determine the length of time your application will remain on the waiting list before reaching the top.
It is important to keep your information current. You can make changes or obtain a change form on theMaine Centralizované § 8 / HCV pořadníku site. Your application will be removed from the waiting list if we are unable to contact you.
3. What happens when your name reaches the top of the waiting list
Westbrook Housing will contact you to complete a more in-depth application.
You will have to provide documentation that you are eligible for the program; this step includes verifying your income, assets and citizenship status.
You will be asked to provide a copy of birth certificates, immigration documents and Social Security cards for every member of the household.
If you meet the qualifications, you will be invited to attend a briefing session where you will be given more information about the program.