About Westbrook Housing

The mission of Westbrook Housing is to provide opportunities for affordable quality housing to assist individuals and families and to encourage independence within a supportive community.

The housing agency, established in 1969, began building federally- and state-funded affordable senior housing during the early 1970s and started administering Housing Choice Vouchers (also known as Section 8) in the fall of 1975.

Over the years, Westbrook Housing has expanded its portfolio and developed innovative housing programs to combine affordable housing with supportive services. In the late 1980s, the agency was among the first in the country to obtain grants to help pay for supportive services.

With state and federal housing funds decreasing, Westbrook Housing has developed several market rate housing developments for seniors and working individuals and families in order to continue its mission of providing low- and moderate-income housing. Upon entering this new system of delivering affordable housing, Westbrook Housing built and managed the first Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) development in the State of Maine.

Today, Westbrook Housing’s diverse portfolio provides affordable, quality housing to 760 households in 14 developments and administers 1026 Housing Choice Vouchers holders with many more expected through its development partner, the Westbrook Development Corp.

Westbrook Housing has 49 employees and is governed by a Board of Commissioners whose members are appointed by the mayor of the City of Westbrook.

To learn more about Westbrook Housing, please explore this website.

Click here to view a video of our Executive Director, Chris LaRoche, former Deputy Director, Susan Eldridge and many residents highlighting Westbrook Housing’s mission.
