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Ansök om en lägenhet i dag!

Stacy m. Symbol & Stroudwater Apartments

Both of these new communities will open in the fall of 2024. They are one bedroom Tax Credit apartments for age 55+. Du måste vara inkomster berättigade att kvalificera. Use this application to apply for either or both communities.

Skatteavdrag lägenheter

Ett, two and three bedroom Tax Credit apartments for low-income households. You must be inkomstbortfall som berättigar to qualify for Westbrook Housing’s affordable Low-Income Housing Tax Credit apartments. Use this application for the Dr. Arthur O. Berry Lägenheterna på Larrabee Commons, Lewis H. Emery lägenheter, malcolm A. Noyes lägenheter, Millbrook Estates, PRESUMPSCOT Commons, och Fjäder Korsning.

Marknadsräntan lägenheter

One and two bedroom market rate apartments with rents ranging from $1047-$1448 with some utilities included. Du måste vara inkomster berättigade att kvalificera. Use this application for Larrabee Heights, 783/789 Main Street och Millbrook Estates.

subventionerade lägenheter

One-bedroom Project Based Voucher apartments. Low-income, äldre hushåll betalar 30% av sin inkomst för hyra. You must be income eligible to qualify for Westbrook Housing’s subsidized apartments. Use this application for Dr. Arthur O. Berry Lägenheterna på Larrabee Commons, Larrabee Village, Larrabee Woods, Lewis H. Emery lägenheter, Riverview Terrace, och Robert L. Harnois.

Golder Commons

Golder Commons has Two and Three bedroom Tax Credit apartments for low-income households. Du måste vara inkomster berättigade att kvalificera.

Housing Choice Kuponger

Resultat baserade hyra stöd till hushåll med låga inkomster. Använd denna ansökan om bostads Choice Voucher program (Avsnitt 8).

Skriv ut och post eller hand leverera ifyllda ansökan till:

Westbrook Bostäder
30 Liza Harmon Drive
Westbrook ME 04092

Applications are available at our office or you can call (207) 854-9779 to have one mailed. If you need assistance or translation services to fill out the application, please call to schedule an appointment with an Intake Specialist at (207) 854-6810.


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