Vanliga frågor för kuponginnehavare
När jag får en kupong, hur mycket tid har jag på mig att hitta en lägenhet?
I avsnittet 8 Housing Val Voucher (HCV) program, deltagarna har (60-dagar) att hitta lämplig bostad.
Where can I use my voucher?
If you lived within the Jurisdiction of Westbrook Housing when you first applied for a voucher, then you can move anywhere in the United States that is served by a Housing Authority. If you did not live within the Jurisdiction at the time of your original application for a voucher, then you must find a rental unit within the Jurisdiction for at least a year.
How much do I pay for rent?
Your portion of the rent and utilities is at least 30% of your household income.
Hur verifieras min inkomst?
Westbrook Housing staff will ask the Head of the Household to declare all of the family income; that income will verified with your employer or the Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) system which is a database containing information shared by Department of Labor.
Vilka avdrag som är tillåtna?
- $480 allowance is deducted from your gross monthly income for each household member who is under 18 år eller är funktionshindrad eller heltidsstuderande.
- $400 allowance for any elderly family (ålder 62 eller äldre eller funktionshindrade).
- Sjukvårdskostnader utöver 3% of annual family income are allowed for persons with disabilities and elderly.
- Rimliga barnomsorgskostnader som krävs för att du eller en annan hushållsmedlem ska kunna arbeta eller för att avancera sin utbildning.
Hur beräknas min andel av hyran?
The income from all members of the family are added together, allowances are then deducted, this is called your adjusted income. Your portion of rent and utilities will be at least 30% of your adjusted income. The contract rent and tenant paid utilities are compared to the Payment Standard [January 2025] (the maximum benefit allowed by the housing agency). If the contract rent and tenant paid utilities are within the Payment Standard, 30% of your adjusted income will be your Tenant Rent. If the rent and utilities are more than the Payment Standard, this is called “overage”, the voucher holder will pay the Tenant Rent plus the “overage”. Utility Allowance is the term given to tenant paid utilities, this amount is deducted from the Tenant Rent for any tenant paid utilities. They are based on a conservative use of the utility, not the actual amount paid by the tenant. Utility allowance charts are updated annually.
Will Sektion 8 hjälpa till att betala min deposition?
LÅT BLI. Du är ansvarig för att betala depositionen. Klick här for information on how to ensure the return of your security deposit.
Vilka är kraven för en sektion 8 lägenhet?
- The building must pass a Housing Quality Standard inspection (see below).
- The rent must be reasonable. The rent that the landlord is asking is called the contract rent; this rent must be reasonable. The rent reasonable test is based on rents charged for similar apartments in the area.
- The rent must be affordable. en Payment Standard [January 2025] is set by Westbrook Housing for all unit types. If the rent plus utilities is at or below the Payment Standard, the voucher holder will pay 30% of their household income. At the initial lease-up, if the rent is more than the Payment Standard, the voucher holder will be allowed to pay up to an extra 10% of their household income toward the rent. A rent higher than the Payment Standard may be too expensive for the program. Contact a Program Officer for assistance in determining affordability.
Are there building standards the apartment must meet?
Kvalitetsstandarder för bostäder (HQS) are the standards HUD set for Section 8 bostäder. För mer information, läsa En bra plats att bo på.
Hur ofta krävs bostadsbesiktningar?
En besiktning måste genomföras innan du flyttar in i en enhet, och sedan årligen.
När ska hushållsinkomst eller medlemsförändringar rapporteras?
Varje förändring i inkomst eller familjesammansättning måste rapporteras till Westbrook Housing skriftligen inom 10 days of the change. You can provide a letter explaining the change or you may use the Income Change Form. If you need assistance completing the Income Change Form or have questions, ring din programansvarig på (207) 854-9779.
Vilka är mina skyldigheter?
Du måste:
- Rapportera alla hushållsinkomster och tillgångar samt förändringar i hushållsmedlemmar.
- Tillåt besiktning av din bostad efter skälig varsel.
- Ge Westbrook Housing och ägaren åtminstone 30 dagar skriftligt varsel, if you plan to move.
- Inte hyra ut i andra hand eller hyra ut någon del av din enhet.
- Inte vara inblandad i narkotikarelaterade eller våldsamma kriminella aktiviteter.
- Tillåt inte någon som inte är medlem i ditt hushåll att använda din adress för att ta emot post, registrera fordon, etc.
- Följ villkoren i ditt hyresavtal
Kan jag bli av med min hyreshjälp?
Ja, below is a list of some common reasons that families lose their rental assistance:
- Allowing unauthorized people to live in the unit
- Failure to report all changes in income or to provide the information required by Westbrook Housing.
- Becoming involved in drug-related or violent criminal activities.
- Repeated violation of the terms of a lease.
- Missing the annual recertification appointment
- Missing the HQS inspection appointment
När kan jag flytta?
- After the initial term of your lease.
- Call your Program Officer for more information about moving.
Vad gör jag när något behöver repareras?
Maintenance issues should be reported to the owner or property manager. Om problemet inte åtgärdas på ett snabbt eller tillfredsställande sätt, notify the owner or property manager, i skrift, and provide a copy of the notice to Westbrook Housing for possible action.