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Verkställande direktör

The Board of Commissioners for the Westbrook Housing Authority seeks an Executive Director to replace its retiring Executive Director, who has admirably led the organization for the past 12 years.

Westbrook Housing’s mission is to provide opportunities for affordable quality housing to assist individuals and families and to encourage independence within a supportive community. Established in 1969, we started building federally- and state-funded affordable family and senior housing in the early 1970s, and began administering the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program in 1975. Through its development corporation, Westbrook Development Corporation, the Housing Authority has remained proactive to expand its family and senior affordable housing through the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program. I dag, our diverse portfolio provides affordable, kvalitet bostäder till 760 hushåll i 14 developments, and we administer 1026 Housing Choice Kuponger. We are still growing, with 9 family and senior properties in pre-development and development with an additional 364 affordable apartments. Westbrook Housing har 49 anställda, an operating budget of over $18 million, and is governed by a Board of Commissioners whose members are appointed by the mayor of the City of Westbrook. You can learn more by visiting www.westbrookhousing.org.

Key responsibilities of the Executive Director include planning, organizing, directing, and coordinating all operations and activities of the Westbrook Housing Authority in order the serve its Mission, Inklusive:

  • Working with the Board of Commissioners to lead the Authority through a comprehensive strategic planning process; developing and implementing strategies and action plans to work toward the vision.
  • Driving public-private partnerships to secure funding and expand housing development opportunities.
  • Overseeing the preparation of the annual budget, all monthly, quarterly and annual financial reports, as well as reports for federal and state agencies.
  • Leading the acquisition, development, construction, förvaltning, compliance, and maintenance of the housing developments, ensuring alignment with community needs.
  • Administering construction, legal, finansiell, labor, housing and other contracts, ensuring that contracts are fulfilled; serving as the contracting officer and liaison with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.
  • Ensuring positive public relations with residents, the community at large, other public and private agencies, and the press.
  • Adhering to best practices in property and asset management, while safeguarding organizational investments.

Desirable qualifications include, first and foremost, a passion for affordable housing; a bachelor’s degree in government policy, human services, or business administration (or equivalent in education and work experience); at least 10 years of progressively responsible leadership experience in providing housing services to meet community needs, including at least 5 years in a senior management role; an extensive understanding of federal and state housing regulations, government funding, and compliance with all applicable regulatory agencies; strong leadership skills and exceptional relationship building and communication skills, including oral, written, and presentation skills; exceptional decision making and problem solving skills; and the ability to challenge the norm and seek continuous improvement.

Compensation includes a starting salary between $185,000 – $225,000, depending on the candidate’s qualifications, as well as an excellent benefits package.

Interested applicants should apply with a cover letter and résumé to the Search Committee via HR Consultant Laurie Bouchard: laurie@lbouchardllc.com.

Westbrook Housing is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Samordnare för boendetjänster – Avdelningen för stödtjänster

Westbrook Housing söker en erfaren boendekoordinator på heltid för att hjälpa invånare i prisvärda bostäder i Westbrook. Resident Service Coordinators arbetar tillsammans med Fastighetsförvaltning, Underhåll, och HCV-personal för att säkerställa att fastigheter förvaltas effektivt, effektivt och enligt Westbrook Housings standarder. RSC kommer att hjälpa till att lösa utmaningar eller svårigheter relaterade till beläggning. Förutom att hantera invånarklagomål, problem, och begäran om hjälp, Samordnaren för boendetjänster kommer att kommunicera med invånarna regelbundet, göra remisser till socialtjänsten vid behov, samordna utbildningsprogram, skapa sociala programmeringsmöjligheter för att möta rekreationen, hälsa, pedagogiska och andliga behov av bostadsutveckling.

Samordnaren för boendetjänster ska kunna arbeta självständigt med minimal tillsyn, har förmågan att multi-task, har förmågan att problemlösa problem, ge utmärkt kundservice och förmåga att arbeta som medlem i ett team. Social work degree preferred as well as previous experience working with the homeless, family and elderly populations. Kandidaten måste stödja vårt uppdrag att tillhandahålla prisvärda bostäder.

​Click to read the job description. Interested applicants please submit a cover letter and resume to Jennifer H. Gordon, Verksamhetschef, 30 Liza Harmon Drive, Westbrook ME 04092 eller via e-post.

Westbrook Bostäder är en jämställd / Kvotering arbetsgivare.

Resident Support Professional – Larrabee Village Supportive Services

Westbrook Housing söker en heltidsresident Support Professional för att gå med i vårt Larrabee Village Apartments Supportive Services-team. Larrabee Village är ett självständigt boende men erbjuder en mängd olika stödtjänster. The Resident Support Professionals provide two shifts of service on a 7 day a week schedule to the residents. Shift schedules are set schedules. Services provided include assisting residents on an unscheduled basis as determined by calls from the residents, hjälpa till med tvätt, hjälpa till med matleverans, utföra grundläggande hemarbete och interagera med boende för att främja social interaktion.

This is a great position for someone who likes to work with the elderly and may have worked as a CNA or PSS and is looking for the same type of work without the lifting and physical requirements.

Resident Support Professional måste kunna arbeta självständigt med minimal tillsyn, arbeta säkert, vara pålitlig, har ett positivt och vänligt uppträdande och ger utmärkt kundservice. Tidigare arbetslivserfarenhet av äldreomsorg är meriterande.

​Click to read the job description. Ett utmärkt förmånspaket erbjuds som inkluderar en flexförmån för att kompensera kostnaderna för försäkringen och motsvarar ytterligare 4,50 USD/timme. An on-call stipend is paid during on call rotation and shift differentials are paid for weekend shifts. Starting pay is $20.50/hour.

Interested applicants please submit a cover letter and resume to Jennifer H. Gordon, Verksamhetschef, 30 Liza Harmon Drive, Westbrook ME 04092 eller via e-post.

Westbrook Bostäder är en jämställd / Kvotering arbetsgivare.